“Ordinary professionals focus on giving worthless advises; extra-ordinary professionals focus on giving results"
- Ashish Patell -
Haryanto Nursatrio & Partners (HNP) was officially established in 2015 by a number of Indonesian corporate lawyers who have extensive experience working for more than twenty years both as in-house counsel for several multi-national and domestic companies and in private practice for one of the leading commercial law firms in Jakarta.
This valuable combination of expertise will enable us to sense and understand the client’s legal needs and expectations and to provide the best innovative, strategic and practical solutions to achieve our client’s business objectives.
Trust & Confidence

Trust & Confidence
When the client hires HNP, the client hires trust and confidence. The trust and confidence of working with knowledgeable, experienced, responsive and proactive professional lawyers focused on delivering value-added result to our client. We value and honor the trust and confidence of our client.
Make Things Happen

Make Things Happen
At HNP, we are not only lawyers who practice law but also lawyers who have capability to apply the law to solve our client’s challenges and obtain the best out of the opportunities for our client to be successful. Safe-guarding the interest of the clients is of utmost priority for HNP. We measure our success upon the success of our client.
Determination to Satisfy Client Need

Determination to Satisfy Client Need
We understand that clients are our most valuable assets and we are committed to provide our clients with a ready and easy access to our team of lawyers to let them know their legal matters are being attended to as a priority. Beyond the legal work, each of our lawyers is committed to create and maintain a strong and longterm business and personal relationship with our client.