
Online Training : Tata Cara “Pelepasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit” di Kawasan Hutan

Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perkumpulan Praktisi Profesional Perkebunan Indonesia dan Media Perkebunan, menghadirkan Dr. Sigit Nugroho, S.Si, MT (Direktorat Pengukuhan & Penata Gunaan Kawasan Hutan Kementrian KLHK, Dr. Agustin Teras Narang SH (Gubernur Kalimantan Tengah Periode 2005 – 2015), Arief Nursatrio SH, LLM (Praktisi Hukum) dan di Moderatori oleh Ir. Heri Moerdiyono, M.Eng (Ketua Umum …

Online Training : Tata Cara “Pelepasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit” di Kawasan Hutan Read More »

Webinar “how to mitigate the impact of force majeure event and default in business transaction as the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic”

Recently our partner, Arief Nursatrio, together with our colleague from Prominence Consulting, Andy Jayani, spoke at an interactive legal and tax webinar on how to mitigate the impact of force majeure event and default in business transaction as the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic from legal and tax perspective. HNP’s partner, Beny Haryanto moderated the webinar. …

Webinar “how to mitigate the impact of force majeure event and default in business transaction as the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic” Read More »